Shambhala Center Email lists

When you sign up to receive our emails, you can choose which emails you want to get from us, and change your preferences at any time. Read about the different lists you can choose below:

1: General List: Programs & Events

Emails about upcoming programs and events at the Boston Shambhala Center. Approximately 6 emails/month.

2: Monthly Highlights

Emails about upcoming programs and events at the Boston Shambhala Center. 1-2 emails per month.

3: Heart of Recovery: 12 Steps and Meditation

Emails about the Monday night Heart of Recovery group, and related activities. 1-2 emails per month.

4: Families and Children Email

Information about programs and activities relevant to children and families, such as the Heart  Warriors Club. Usually 1 email per month or less.

5: LGBTQ Group (2nd Sunday)

Emails about the LGBTQ meditation group which meets the 2nd Sunday of each month, and related activities. 1-2 emails per month.

6: End Of Life Care Group

Emails from the End of Life Care group, and related activities. Usually 1 email per month or less.

7: People of Color Affinity Group

Not currently meeting. Sign up to be notified if/when this group resumes.

8: Collective Liberation: Inclusivity + Race Conversations

Information about the work of liberation from harmful societal patterns. 1 email per month or less.

9: Volunteering at the Center

Information about volunteering at the center: working group openings, clean-up days, staffing programs. 1 email per month or less.

10: Community Updates List

Information about community changes, initiatives and activities. This list is a good way for community members and others who care about the community to stay informed. Usually 1 email per month or less.