Sangha Sunday "Darkest of the Dark Ages" [IN PERSON]

September 8th

Date details +
    Room: Main Meditation Hall

    We are part of a lineage and a community of meditators going back to the time of the Buddha. On the Second Sunday each month, we come together to remember and support one another's dedication to the path of warriorship, and to the cultivation of wisdom an

    Sangha:  From the Sanskrit meaning assembly or community

    All are welcome


    This month:
    "Darkest of the Dark Ages - Contemplating three verses from the Sadhana of Mahamudra" with Till Cremer


    Join our monthly gathering on the second Sunday of each month, bringing together our whole community. We gather for practice, teaching and discussion - and the opportunity to share a potluck lunch and socialize together.

    Come and sit for all, or part of the morning, enjoy a dharma talk or reading led by community teachers from all generations of practice.  We are excited to bring together the entire Boston community with this new monthly program.


    Thich Nhat Hahn: “The Next Buddha May Be a Sangha”. 

    “We all need love. Without enough love, we may not be able to survive, as individuals and as a planet. It is said that the next Buddha will be named "Maitreya," the Buddha of Love. I believe that Maitreya might not take the form of an individual, but as a community showing us the way of love and compassion.”



    The general format is as follows:

    Nyinthun (our weekly Sunday morning group meditation practice)
    9 AM Sitting
    9:40-9:50 Walking
    9:50-10:20 Sitting with Tonglen@ 10:05-10:15
    10:20-10:30 Walking

    Community Gathering 
    10:30-11:00 Sitting
    11:00- 11:10 Walking
     Dharma Talk
    12:00-1:30 Potluck Lunch